Admissions Process
The PLCA admissions process has several steps, each one essential to the enrollment program. Our goal for this format is to enable both you and PLCA to objectively evaluate the admissions application. Each step is intentionally designed to help you clearly understand the culture, benefits, values, and requirements intrinsic to the PLCA education. Please be advised that the application is not considered complete until all documents are received and the necessary interviews are conducted. Student must reach minimum appropriate age by September 1st.
How to Begin
We are delighted to show you around our campus! Your first step is to schedule a tour. Additionally, each student 3rd–11th is encouraged to “shadow” with their grade at PLCA. This on-campus experience is beneficial for applicants and PLCA!
For more information
Contact the Admission Office at 952-447-7527 or email the Admission Office.
Admissions Checklist
Submitting an Application
Applications for all grades should be submitted via the downloadable application. As part of the application process, you will need to email the reference documents and request records from your child’s current school. The student must reach the minimum appropriate age by September 1st.
After the application has been submitted and records have been received the admissions office will call to schedule the interview with the principal for your student’s grade. Parents and applicants are required to attend the interview.
Acceptance of the applicant is based on the interview, test scores, transcript or report card grades, discipline and attendance records, and recommendations for the applicable grades. Prior Lake Christian Academy does not discriminate against any person based on sex, race, age, or national origin.
*We begin accepting applications in October for the upcoming school year. A waitlist will be maintained when a grade level becomes full.
Immediately after acceptance, the family will be asked to meet with an admissions advisor and fill out the enrollment forms online. The enrollment fee will also be collected once you complete the enrollment forms. The student is not officially enrolled at Prior Lake Christian School until the enrollment process is completed.
Please complete the following three forms to begin the application process. Any specific questions can be sent to PLCA Admissions.